Brain Health Programme– a self-help diet and lifestyle programme to optimise cognitive health using techniques that have been shown in research to reverse cognitive decline.
All mental health problems are increasing.
The Fairfield Brain health programme has been set up by a professional team of people to help educate everyone about our brain health and transform our mental wellbeing. We aim to raise awareness and provide services which utilise all the well researched non pharmaceutical therapies that can prevent and in some cases reverse serious mental ill health conditions. Despite a burgeoning array of pharmaceutical drugs, there is no drug cure for any kind of mental ill health whether it be anxiety, depression, insomnia, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, OCD, ADHD, Autism, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, or Parkinson’s. In fact for many conditions, it is accepted that the medication alters the structure of the brain making reducing and removing the drug harmful unless carried out slowly under medical supervision. There is a more sustainable and humane way to reduce mental ill health conditions and in many cases prevent serious problems.
The reason that no one drug will solve these chronic conditions, which are increasing exponentially is because there is not one contributing factor but a whole range of factors. Each person is unique and their condition is affected differently and hence why we offer personalised health care.
Alzheimer’s is an increasing concern for many. Whilst a diagnosis related to cognitive decline is usually made after the age of 60, the underlying processes that cause the decline start 10, 20 or even 30 years before. So reducing your risk is something you might want to think about in your 40s and 50s or even earlier. We are excited to offer p-Tau217 test which is a biomarker to test for early Alzheimer's disease before any clinical symptoms. Ingorance is not bliss and ealy warning means one can prevent further delicne and reverse the condition.
Research based
Recent research projects on Alzheimer’s Disease, including the work of Professor Bredesen in the States and the “FINGER “ study from Finland, indicate that diet , nutrition and lifestyle changes can prevent and reverse cognitive decline.
About the Brain Health Programme
Anne White became interested in this approach having witnessed the steady decline of her mother in law and father, hoping and believing that there must be a solution. Anne was excited to read about Professor Breseden’s Research paper in 2014 entitled “Reversal of cognitive decline- A novel therapeutic programme.” Cytoplan Ltd is a charitable foundation producing bio-effective food based supplements and the company decided to bring this work to the UK.
-MIND What You Eat – nutrition for brain health
-Optimise Gut Health
-Stress Management
-Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
-Exercise and
-Brain Training
Why join the Brain Health Programme?
If you are concerned about your risk of cognitive decline now or in the future. Perhaps because you have noticed brain fog, poor memory or concentration or maybe you have a family member diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
As part of the brain health programme, we work closely with a pschologist and pyschiatrist, both trained in the Amen protocol.
Draliajaz - Consultant Psychiatrist, Mental Health, Therapy
Anne by text 07984512229 or email: